Posts Tagged ‘tips & tricks’

Making ajax content availble to search engines

Nowadays, more and more sites are developed using ajax because of its interactivity, ease of use, and speed.
Although it has obvious advantages there are some drawbacks:

Ajax pages don’t register themselves in browser history, so the back button become useless
Because the url remains the same through different requests, the bookmarking doesn’t work as expected

10 things you should know when switching from Mysql to PostgreSQL

1) Vacuum frequently
You must do that especially after adding or deleting a large number of rows in a table.
2) || means concatenation in PosgreSql
(as opossed to Mysql where it ment OR)
3) PostgreSQL doesn’t know unsigned.
SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT types doesn’t have an unsigned option, as it is in mysql

4) PostgreSQL is case-sensitive for string comparasions
So if [...]

.htaccess stupid tricks

Nice tutorial about various tricks that you can do in .htaccess.