Archive for June, 2010

Ffmpeg 0.6 release – now with html5 support

On 15 June 2010  Ffmpeg announced their new release : Ffmpeg 0.6 , whose main feature is support for libvpx library for the vp8 codec, which means it will now support html5 video conversion.
This is a major step in the process of adopting html5 as a standard for video sharing sites, and in my opinion, [...]

Common php errors and how to debug them

A lot of questions asked by beginners are about errors errors that occur when running a PHP script. In the following article, I will try to summarize these errors, hoping to be useful to those who, like me when I’ve started coding in PHP,met with such problems.

Getting statistics by period using mysql

One of the most common client request is to display statistics per day/week/month or other periods of time. This statistics might mean clicks, article views, user registered etc.
Let’s see how can we display statistics of article views by day, week and month using php and mysql.

Making ajax content availble to search engines

Nowadays, more and more sites are developed using ajax because of its interactivity, ease of use, and speed.
Although it has obvious advantages there are some drawbacks:

Ajax pages don’t register themselves in browser history, so the back button become useless
Because the url remains the same through different requests, the bookmarking doesn’t work as expected

How safe strip_tags is?

Many developers rely on strip_tags to validate user input, and, although the function does a good job when removing all the html tags, there are some security issues when you want to leave some of them (like <a> or <img>).
That is because, although you removed all the <script> tags from the input, that doesn’t mean [...]